Lose cellulite while sleeping

Sounds like a miracle, joke or just bs, doesn't it? Well, Biotherm Celluli Night Patch is a new cellulite treatment that promises results in just 10 nights - yes, you understood well - it is supposed to work while you sleep!

The product launches a four pronged attack on orange peel skin:
  • fights the transformation of sugars into fats
  • fights trigger of the fat storage process
  • slows down drainage mechanisms
  • stimulates cellular renewal for enhanced receptivity and smoother skin
Celluli Night, an overnight treatment for the reduction of visible cellulite areas, works specifically in synchronization with the body’s biological clock.

Cellulite deposit time line:

TimeYour body
6am - 10amThe body awakens progressively. Drainage processes are facilitated.
10 am - 4 pmThe body is fully active. Fat-burning enzymes are working to transform food into energy.
4 pm - 8 pmThe body begins to tire and expends less effort. It is storing energy for later.
8 pmMore of what is consumed is transformed into fat. It is storing energy for later.

Celluli Laser Night should be applied to the affected areas in the evening. For additional benefits Celluli Laser Day is also available.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/10/2009

    I've tried this, cannot really tell if it helped or not.. At least, it's not something that takes your time or energy; i just put it on there, and than if it works, it works :)


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